Outro-Song for Videos and Other things. A very special gift from a friend to a friend, a wonderful person with a heart of Gold!
What I do, what I love, what I want to try. I believe in what I do and I enjoy whatever it is.
I love creating atmospheric and energetic music as well as slow and calm songs. Most of my music is made digitally in my favorite DAW FL-Studio by Image Line Software but I perform some songs on my instrument the Zither as well.
I often find myself needing a tool for doing something, often it is the case that I just cannot find what I need so I've come to love programming tools for specific purposes.
I am by no means a graphic designer but I sometimes like to tinker with basic shapes to create some decent and engaging images, the prime example being my mascot Pokoto.
I mean, just look at him, isn't he adorable?
Yes, I like cooking, I love experimenting with different ingredients and seeing how the results taste!
"My film, Searching for Solace is the culmination of so many talented people coming together to create a story that was able to tug on the heartstrings of the audience. In my film, Kyran wants to escape the daily pressures of life and express himself creatively. Kyran’s creative output is playing the piano but so many obstacles come in the way from finding inner peace.
Phillipp really helped me a lot throughout this production. We had some rough parts throughout it but we moved passed the flaws and mistakes to make something special.The music was such a integral part of the story and the fact that he was able to compose some phenomenal music is amazing to me. Without Phillipp the short film I created wouldn’t have made the film as impactful as it was.", Logan Sarzalejo.
I composed the soundtrack for the Short-Film Searching for Solace by Logan Sarzalejo.
Way back in 2016 I started working on my first real project: Rule The World in Peace. I had not much knowledge about how to make games but I picked up RPG-Maker VX ACE at some point and I really enjoyed the process, I wanted to create more like this game! Finally in 2017 I released the game on Itch.io - I was extremely happy to have finished the game.
In 2018 I woke up to a message from a wonderful person (Daedalus007 - they have ever since encouraged me to keep creating and I'm extremely grateful for them) asking for an English translation - the original was only in German - I felt excited and I instantly begun to translate the whole game myself, I must have spent 6-7 hours that day translating the entire game. I was motivated. In 2018 I pickud up the Game Engine Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and I really enjoyed creating something fresh and new. I started development on many games but that year I released my first two mobile games.
2019 was an interesting year, I had many great ideas for games and I started to work on some other programming projects like Morse-Composer, a tool to create midi-files from morse code to use in music, the project was bigger than expected and I worked together with 2 helping friends to finish it in 2020. Another tool I started to create all on my own was TModMaker, a tool for creating quick and simple mods for Terraria. I was getting interested in modding.
2020. Well, the year started and in early february the whole situation started to get serious, shortly after, the first lockdowns happened. We all had too much time on our hands. At first I tried to work on some games, but after a short while I decided to try making music. After trying out different DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) I have found that FL-Studio fits my needs best, and so I started to create my first songs. My first songs were expectedly bad but I used almost every second I could to try and learn more. In late 2020 I got a message from Mathew Rhys asking if I would do some music for one of their comics, after not more than a week I was pretty happy with the results and Mathew gave me a heads up for the songs. I felt extremely encouraged! The same year, a german streamer called SimonsterGG wanted a nice song for their streams and we got along extremely well!
2020 was a rather interesting year but trying times bring good ideas. I mark 2020 as the start of my music, and I will forever remember this year.
2020 sure was quite a year, the start into 2021 raises hope. The year has just started and I already have been lucky enough to be able to create a new track for a YouTuber called Utaushio. It's May now and life has proven once again that there are many coincidences. I recently got to work with JoyCawn and PlushCats to make a song for a Friday Night Funkin' mod! The year is by no means over already, and there are many important and wonderful things coming up soon!
Fast forward a couple of months and I have just finished scoring my first ever short film! Can you believe that? I still cannot comprehend it. Huge shoutouts to Logan Sarzalejo who hired me to score his short-film Searching for Solace!
It is december and, surprise, surprise, Covid is still a thing. Slowly coming to the end of the year the hope is rising that Covid might be more or less over. Only the future can tell.
To end on a positive note: (Uhhhh, I put this here quite a while ago and I don't remember if this was supposed to be blank so now it just says this I guess)
2022 was actually decent. I started making Kontakt instruments and bought a bunch of new equipment, due to drastic changes in my life music production was put on the backburner quite a bit. Not that much to tell honestly.
I've got big plans for 2023 :D